About Fiber Huis

Hi! My name is Brittany and I run Fiber Huis almost entirely on my own.

This is my husband, Jeff. He is the loom maker and runs his own business, 1 Up Forge, building art from broken video game parts.
He is also the father to our spunky daughter, Marina. She loves to help whenever she can.
 Lastly, here is my dad, Mike. He is also a dedicated loom maker. Not only does he spend long hours selling and installing flooring, he will come home late at night to finish up looms for our weekly visits to his house.

Fiber Huis started in 2009 as Sew Nina. It was just a hobby back then, as I experimented with various ideas, from ceramic tile mosaic to hand sewn items.

In 2010 I listed the first weaving kit. They sold quickly!  I knew I was on to something. Since then I’ve expanded the shop to include tools and supplies for fiber artists and fiber art hobbyists of any type.

This mission statement means I’m equally dedicated to you, the buyer, as I am in the people and products in my supply chain. I want you to not only create beautiful works of art, but also feel good knowing your supplies were made in a sustainable way.

While browsing the shop you’ll find kits, teaching you new skills in fiber art, and supplies to create your own ideas. Stop back often because there’s always something new!

To stay updated and learn new project ideas, click to join the monthly email newsletter.

You can also find out about the newest products on Facebook and on Instagram.

Have questions? Click the contact page and send me a message!